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Lovely Dimez Group

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Smith Publicity
Smith Publicity

Consider All Your Book Marketing Options

If you plan to become an author and publish your work independently, understanding more about book promotion services is in your best interest. In its most basic form, the goal is to reach target readers with news of your book's publication. Doing it can take many forms; some will be more beneficial than others, depending on you and your book. It's also helpful to understand more about media today, and thanks to the internet, things have become niche. Legacy media with mass audiences is under siege and being replaced by online outlets with specialized audiences – it's been a huge change.

The Internet also adds secondary value to many traditional PR tactics. Events are a perfect example because they can now be live-streamed to audiences too far away to attend. They can also be recorded so that people can watch them "on-demand" style at convenient times. It means many more people can get something out of an event. It used to be only people who attended or read a follow-up print article got the message. Now, you can spread the word online and include people in far-flung international destinations. It's a far cry from the old days, and you should add video and streaming to your plan.

The coronavirus pandemic also left some permanent marks on book promotion. One of the most significant is the widespread acceptance of virtual touring and online appearances on TV. Previously, both would have been discouraged, but now they are widely accepted. It's easy to plan an ambitious book tour and schedule media appearances when you can do them from your home or office. It brings many more people into the fold and makes it possible to promote your book all over. When you reach niche audiences, they have more natural interest in your topic and readily become book buyers.

Some authors consider advertising, and it can take many forms. It could be as simple as producing promotional posters for in-store use or more about paid clicks or other online advertising methods. For most books, publicity in the form of media coverage is more cost-effective than placing paid ads. You can also consider writing guest posts on blogs and appearing as a podcast guest to reach your target audience. It's wise to begin with and test the waters to see what works. When you find an advertising vehicle that sells books, you can focus on it and drop the less effective methods.


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